/** * The template for displaying all pages. * * This is the template that displays all pages by default. * Please note that this is the WordPress construct of pages * and that other 'pages' on your WordPress site may use a * different template. * * @link https://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy * * @package Astra * @since 1.0.0 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } get_header(); ?>

Who We Are?


At UTC, you can be assured that you will be learning from the best in the industry. We give a touch of care and personal attention to every student, which is what differentiates us from the rest.
” Australia is one of the promising study destinations in the world “<br>

For students planning to pursue higher education in Australia, I would firstly recommend doing proper research about the institution and check for all the facilities provided by the institution including academic support, clubs and societies and/or other avenues of co-curricular engagement, and other support services such as legal and counselling supports. Students should also research the study clusters such as Study NSW, Study Victoria, Study Perth, Study Adelaide, etc. which offer a range of services for international students. There are other avenues that student should benefit knowing about such as the Council of International Students Australia, CAPA, NUS, AUSTRADE, DET, TPS, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Fairwork Ombudsman, Redfern Legal Centre, Student Job Australia, Seek, Gumtree, Indeed, and many more. Since there is a lot of information that students might not be able to research on their own, it’s crucial to also select a reliable and well informed Education Consultancy if students are planning to have a smooth and well knowledge transition to their international education experience.


UTC is a registered Overseas Educational Consultancy firm who have been placing students in Institutions around the world since 2009. Starting operations in Nepal, UTC has expanded steadily over the years and established thriving alliances with upper league universities and institutions in Australia, the USA, Canada, India, Nepal, and other countries. We have also formed alliances with support business communities like banks and visa agents to ease the long-drawn admission process for the convenience of students and universities. In 2019 alone, we referred over a thousand students to different institutions all over the world, primarily in Australia, India, and Nepal.

Established in 2009 to bridge the gap between students and university programs, UTC is a pioneer in its field when organizing Nepal and India student placement. Due to its commitment to integrity, excellence, and guaranteed deliverance, UTC has become an acknowledged leader in domestic as well as overseas educational consultancy in various parts of the world.